failing like never before


wo da wa wa

I recently discovered a site called Viwawa, which allows users to create their own wawas (Chinese for dollies). The interface for creating the dolls is quite simply: there are "items" sitting in the side bar, and you drag and drop these items onto your doll. I believe that these kinds of "create your own character" sites have become quite common over the past one or two years, but for some reason, I found Viwawa to be quite fun.

dollie from viwawa gundam robot dollie from viwawa cartoon picture of person of ambiguous gender

And yes, lightbox effects are also present for these images.

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I was sitting on the John, just a few minutes ago, when I heard some bloke in the shower, singing. He was rather bad and somewhat out of tune, and even though his voice reverberated across the tiled walls you could tell he kept forgetting the words. Suffice to say that I was annoyed, and so I left the bathroom at a good speed. The end result is that I still feel the call of nature.

I know that singing in the shower is a common habit (one that I do not share). But there's no reason to belt it out in a public restroom, especially when you're only slightly better then William Hung.

Really, no one wants to hear you sing.
Because you're quite bad.
So just stop.

That is all. You may now stop reading my random articles and return to your boring and pointless lives.



xiao ding dong

Xiao Ding Dong, you blue cat, you are awesome.

I have no idea why I had the sudden urge to take a picture of my Xiao Ding Dong doll, but I did. He looks very sad, this doll. But I still think he is cool; almost as cool as a blue, earless robotic cat from the future with a magic pouch. Oh wait...

I wish I had a magic pouch. If I did, I would pull out a completed and perfect C++ implementation of the Gauss-Jordan elimination for finding inverse matries.

But back here in reality, I'm sitting in my bloody hot room with no air conditioning, trying to beat a working program out of my keyboard. I promise, once I figure out a solution, that I will post the code online.


The Dream

My computer science class ended early and I got back to my room early. Having througly exhausted my mental faculties throughout the day, I decided it was time to test my physical limits. I changed my clothes and headed for the gym. It was five o' clock, you had just climbed into bed to take a nap and our other roommate was reading the news.

I ran a little less then three miles on the track. My fear of treadmills has not faltered ever since I fell on my uncle's when I was eight. I lifted weights for an hour, until my muscles burned and I felt I had no strength left. The vastness and opulence of the school gym did not fail to amaze me, but for all its greatness it could not augment my strength or stamina. The weights in my hands were laughably small compared to those borne by the hulks standing besides me.

I took a long shower, turned my computer on, plowed through my RSS feed reader. It was seven o' clock, you were still sleeping soundly and our roommate was doing his homework.


The Blogger’s Old Clothes

I'm a wee bit on the bored side right now. Classes just started back up yesterday so I have no homework and I'm taking less classes then I was last quarter. Soooooo, I'm going through my article drafts, finishing them off and publishing them.

Now, before I left for break I did my laundry (a very rare occurrence, trust me) and thought it might be nice to see how much clothing a male college student owns. The pictures below show all of the clothing I have here in my room at college.

You'll notice that this is not a lot of clothing. I managed to take about a third of it home in a backpack (mind you, it was quite a large backpack, barely managed to fit it in the overhead compartment on the plane).

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The Morning

I remember when I was first introduced to C.S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia. It was on one of those hot lazy Saturdays, where you want to do nothing but lay down and stare at the ceiling. I would have been seven years old at the time, I remember because of the house we were living in. My sister had a box set of the Chronicles of Narnia, and they still sit in her room to this day. I pulled out The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (it was labeled as "Book 1" in our box set) and settled down to read it. It was so entrancing that after I finished I reached for book 2, Prince Caspian. I finished the entire Chronicles of Narnia in one day when I was seven years old. Truth to tell, I doubt I understood all of it at the time, but the prose and the way the words wove together seemed so lovely and mystical at the time that I couldn't stop until there was nothing left to read. Yet after that day, the Chronicles left my mind and I thought nothing of them for many years.

I remember in fifth grade, a classmate brought up The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and that I had boasted of how I had read through the entire Chronicles in one day, and then proceeded to rattle off a brief description of each book. I used to be quite the arrogant child (still am in many ways, although now I have so much less to boast about). Not much later, my sister began reading Lewis's The Screwtape Letters. Yet still after that, I thought nothing of Lewis and the Chronicles for many years.


Fun at the Library

I'm at the public library right now, having tons and tons of fun laughing at the mouse tutorial on the computers. It is so funny, I've decided to take some choice screenshots and post them online.

I realize that this is a wee bit mean, because there are probably a few people for whom the mouse tutorial was actually quite useful. However, I think the greater part of the population will have so much more fun poking fun at the ridiculousness of it all. Props go out to the creators of the tutorial who tried to make it so cheerful and useful to almost all age groups.

(You're going to have to follow the "read more" link below if you want to see all the spiffy cool shots.)


Find the Good Prof.

The screenshot below was taken quite a while ago, after students had finished enrolling in classes, but had not yet started class.

I must say, its really quite amazing how ardously students tried to avoid Professor Malkan